Maura Allen

New Mexico

There are stories all around us—the best are closest to home.

The American West — both real and romanticized — is the center of Maura Allen’s work. Starting on location at ranches and rodeos, she magically weaves past and present, Old West and new, to create original contemporary paintings, sculpture and fine art glass pieces.

New collections by the artist include “Natural Order,” which celebrates strong women of the West, and “Love Notes: The American West,” featuring original postcard messages dating back to the late 1800s along with her modern-day imagery. Texas-based Double D Ranch, the premier lifestyle brand of the West, selected Maura as the featured artist for its 2025 Holiday Collection premiering this Fall.

Maura grew up in Northern California around the corner from Stanford University where the historic Eadweard Muybridge stop-action images of a running horse were taken and now displayed. Seeing that image as a young girl made a lasting imprint. She studied Latin/Classical Studies at Stanford, learning how iconic figures, myth and moments shape and define a culture. Two-plus decades ago, she began chronicling the American West with ranchers and wranglers as her trusted guides and realized many of the same cultural forces are at play.

Maura’s work is included in museum, corporate and private collections, sold in top galleries, and has been featured in dozens of publications. In addition to Cowgirl Up!, 2025 shows include the Coors Western Art Exhibit & Sale (Denver, CO) and Women’s Work (A.R. Mitchell Museum and Cowgirl Artists of America). Maura serves on the Board of Trustees at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum and the Board of Directors of photolucida, a photography non-profit with national reach.