Sophy Brown


Ghost Horse: There is something ethereal looking into the blue eye of a pink skinned horse as if there is a whole other world in its depths. The painting became about creating a  similar other-worldly feeling, swirling in air and space.

Much of my work is centered around horses. I was lucky enough to have for 20 years an ex-racehorse. He was hardwired to run and was prone to anxiety and agitation. Early on, when stressed, he’d sweat, his muscles would bunch and tremble, head high, eyes wide and every fiber of him would be ready to move. I’d feel it in a tight and complicated knot of empathy that recognized his inner state. Watching horses, their responses to each other and their environment, their nuanced relationships, I believe I can see all emotional life there. They are instinctive, physical and show without filter their inner state, something that in people is often hidden and complicated. Standing securely in their place in nature, they speak to us on a visceral level reminding us of our own animal skin. 

Painting for me is a way of responding to the world as I experience it. It is an attempt to give form to an internal life, materialize thoughts, questions, and emotions. It is a way to explore for meaning and understanding. The thing about making paintings as a way of life is that it evolves. It changes with you, with where you are, and with the times you live in.